meh sini meh!dha dear ada storyy......
hai hai hai
blog ini sungguh poyo kerana tuan blogger still takde skill+malas+hanya tawu mengarut saja,
sila lah bantu dia!!kesian dia nihh T_T
Monday, August 13, 2012

Ye ke?
Sunday, June 24, 2012
mungkin tak cukup sweet
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a bahawa seorang lelaki telah berkata kepada nabi SAW yang maksudnya:
”Berwasiatlah kepada ku. Sabda Rasulullah SAW: “Jangan kamu marah.” Maka lelaki itu mengulangi kata-katanya berulang kali. Sabda Rasulullah SAW: “Jangan kamu marah” (hadith al-Bukhari)
Ya. Sesungguhnya kemarahan akan mengumpulkan segala keburukan. Jadi, jangan cepat marah even when we are dealing with negative people. Remember, we too, can't make everybody like us right? Just pray good for them coz sometimes it is imposibble for us to hate people that we pray everyday.
And 1 more thing. I have a good info here. Do try to read..
"Open-mindedness, flexibility, trust in other people: all these require certain cognitive abilities. Understanding and accepting others – particularly "different" others – requires an enhanced capacity for abstract thinking." (George Monbiot)
..and learn from it.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
You define YOU.
monolog maghrib
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
it's you-my dream!
I need you jazz! plz come to me~(T_T)
Never mind. one fine day, i'll get you ok?
By hook or by crook. It doesn't matter at all.
You duduk diam diam je kat kedai ye?